Tomorrow, Tomorrow

(Originally published June 26, 2024)

It's been a little bit since I updated anything here. Tbh, I've been focused on just feeling okay this year. Trying to get outside and feel some sun. This has meant less computer time and less writing time, but that's okay for now. I'm really hoping maybe it won't be six months until the next blog post, but maybe it will be. Anyways, here goes some updates.

It's been a couple of years now since DepressiveHacks was created. At the time, I had ideas of what I wanted to do and where I wanted it to go. As it usually goes, I was wrong and those ideas were totally incorrect. You can find them in early blog posts on this same blog. You can go read about how wrong I was and how I realize now what a fool I was. That's okay, though. We all learn things. Sometimes they're easier and sometimes they're not. It's all part of the journey.

If you would've asked me in 2022 where I envisioned DepressiveHacks in two years, I would've never imagined things would be where they're at now. I do very little actual educating as I originally intended, much to the bemoan of some very early audience members. I did a lot more crypto investing than I expected to when I created this in 2022. I also completely missed the boat on making it a profitable endeavor, because any money I've made has not come from this blog. Again, oh well.

I am returning to write here because I need somewhere to express that I have never been more optimistic about the future of web3 and DepressiveHacks' place in it. This is very clearly the direction things have gone here, and I've met some really incredible people and had some amazing opportunities that never would've happened without severely leaning into the crypto and web3 space over the past couple of years. I still remember the day that I won my pink Awkward Astronaut that you all are so familiar with.

There are going to be some really cool things that happen between now and the end of the year. A few of them I know about already and can't disclose yet. These things are the reason that I'm excited enough to express it in a new blog post. Opportunities I never foresaw. I am so grateful. I'm confident that there will be opportunities I don't know about at this moment that come about as well. I've always played the long game in the web3 space, which confuses a lot of people, but I see it paying dividends slowly and surely more than you'd expect. This has only reinforced my thinking on this strategy.

I've not done a lot of investing this year. That's very intentional. I plan on seeing how the rest of the year goes. If 2024 is a wash year, so be it. I spent too much time caring about how much I was investing down to the penny in the last couple of years. Very much to the sacrifice of my own well-being at times. This was a hard lesson to learn. The future is scary. I felt constant anxiety when thinking about it. A crippling anxiety that only could be eased by trying to plan, save, and nickel and dime a way to a better tomorrow.

Listen, I'm always the first person to admit that I'm an idiot. I'm terribly stubborn. I often need a kick in the ass. Plenty of ass kicks have come, with the most recent being the shutting down of Birdie. I spent a lot of time working on building that out with Ryan. It hurt to close the shop despite continuing to lose revenue month over month. Life is unforgiving sometimes and all we can do is trudge forward the best we can. Pivot. Do something different. Learn from our mistakes and our experiences.

I'm optimistic. For the first time in a long time. I feel a sense of wonder about what's coming up that I lacked for a long time. Stay tuned. This thing's just getting going. As always, thanks for being here.


2023 Wrap Up