What Is DepressiveHacks? Take 2.0
(Originally published on X on 7/25/24)
I've thought about writing an updated version of this original blog post from 2022 for a while now. I asked Grok what DepressiveHacks was. I mulled it over myself. I've spent years at this point having people I know in real life try asking me what I'm doing and why. I'm going to try to articulate the vision here as best I can now that we're a couple of years in and I can look at some past experiences that helped shape where we are today.
What is DepressiveHacks? In its easiest form, I view DepressiveHacks as a vehicle for opportunity. This really started as a way for me to learn mostly about crypto and have somewhere to write. If you don't spend much time writing, you may not know that long-form content is a chore. There's a reason people like reading and writing in short 180-character bits. I don't always need to go on and on about my depression. This allowed me to acknowledge it, put it somewhere (publicly, I'll add), and move forward.
A few things have happened since winning the Nifty Gateway contest to get my beloved Awkward Astronaut PFP that is the face of DepressiveHacks. First off, two years in, I cannot believe how many folks I've met and spoken to who are shaping web3 as an industry. I started this account because you can't invest in crypto without being on this platform. You miss so much without it. I remember following folks with a few thousand followers who were so knowledgeable about crypto. Those same folks are the ones I still follow and now know from having spent over two years in web3.
I have spent the past two years collecting. Tokens. NFTs. Frens. The networking I've done here and the folks I've been able to help support both with my money and my time have been amazing. I wish I had more of both to give. I'm optimistic in the future, that could be the case, but we'll get to that.
I never have really been into trading all that much. At the start of year three, I just finally sold my first ETH NFT ever. I much prefer a buy-and-hold method, and the places I purchase reflect a longer-term belief in the people behind those projects, their vision, and my belief in their ability to get things done and shape web3 for the better.
By this point, you're probably saying "Okay, so whatever DepressiveHacks is, it's not meant to make money." Up to this point, you're largely right. I've got no idea overall how things are going, but I'm confident an S&P Index Fund would've outperformed this buy-and-hold strategy the past two years.
What I wouldn't have, besides all the digital assets in my collection that I hope to continue to add to, is all of the opportunities I've had to explore web3 and create something. I would tell anyone that my best investment last year was not measured in % gain, but in the fact that Dgen Network not only welcomed me with open arms when I bought my Dgen Pass but allowed me to start contributing to them as a writer. I now have a portfolio of web3 work that I can refer to and show that I'm skilled as a bridge between native and non-native crypto audiences on a variety of topics spanning multiple depths of difficulty.
I'm currently still working on my interview series of pieces with leaders across web3 for Dgen Network, as well as open to new opportunities to freelance write across the web3 space. I also am excited to share that as a Legacy Pass holder, depressivehacks.com will be featured in Forbes later this year. The actual shock that will come from holding the issue in my hand and seeing this thing I've been working on for 2+ years within the issue will surely be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
I've never been more optimistic about this buy-and-hold approach, because I believe it will bring opportunities as web3 and crypto continue to expand that would've never been possible without genuinely connecting with others and enjoying being a part of the community. I can't tell you exactly what will be coming, but I feel really good about it. It's quite terrifying, actually, and I told my therapist as much in our last session.
I've updated my website, dove deeper into my socials (including qualifying for ad payouts on this platform, which all go towards expanding DepressiveHacks and supporting more parts of web3), and am working on new opportunities to write, consult, and contribute to the future of this place that has come to mean a lot to me.
Oh, also, I think that as regulatory clarity comes and new folks come to web3, being a part of these legacy communities is going to be a huge plus. Just being early, genuine, and kind I think is enough for success here, as well as not rugging people. So I'm banking on this to maybe one day not have this be a total money pit.
In the meantime, we're going to continue to do as much as we can to meet more folks in web3, show other folks why the future of blockchain technology is bright, and get as many new opportunities to write as possible. I want to help guide web3 into a brighter future and support the people. communities, businesses, projects, and ideas that are doing so.
So, what is DepressiveHacks? DepressiveHacks supports web3. DepressiveHacks supports mental health. DepressiveHacks supports entrepreneurship and opportunity. DepressiveHacks is a writer, consultant, investor, community member, former community manager, former publisher, and learner. Maybe in 3.0, DepressiveHacks is formally more things and actively even more things. Who knows? That's okay. Supporting others is the name of the game here. Mental health. Entrepreneurship. Knowing you've got folks on your side as you tackle these difficult tasks is huge.
As always, thanks for being here.